The IEDA sifts through the thousands of introduced bills and attempts to determine which might actually be moving in a given year. There are a number of factors that come into consideration, but one good indicator is stated intent by leadership. In this regard we can look to the Governor's recent calls to action:
- Ethics Reform (conflict disclosures, more transparency, stopping the legislator-turned-lobbyist revolving door);
- Desired changes for the Property Tax Extension Limitation Laws (PTELL) and consolidation/elimination of local governments;
- And of course, the Governor's Graduated Income Tax.
The Illinois Taxpayers’ Federation of Illinois believes [property taxes] will be a recurring theme. They indicate that it is important to determine what success in property tax reform looks like: “Do property taxes need to be lowered, and if so by how much, or is simply slowing the growth of property taxes enough? One area of particular concern will be to make sure that the General Assembly does not simply shift the tax burden from homeowners to businesses and call it reform or a tax reduction.”
Also, we have already seen comments regarding possible legislation for [Gig Economy Workers], as well as [Ending State Competition for Corporate Subsidies].
A lot of legislation can be very program/region-specific, such as the [South Suburban Brownsfield Redevelopment] or [Quad Cities Regional Compact], and we rely on our legislative committee members to help us identify those items that have a broad impact for our membership. You can see some of the issues we are currently tracking below:
- HB0320 - Property Tax: PTEL Freeze
- HB0322 - Repeal red light cameras
- HB2667 - Small/mid-sized business enterprise initiative program
- HB2671 - Credit based on utilization of minority-owned or female-owned businesses
- HB3319 - EDGE Tax Credit: Transferability
- HB3864 - High Impact Business: Wages
- HB3865 - High Impact Business: Wind
- HB3707 - Enterprise Zone Eligibility
- HB3726 - Cybersecurity Right to Know Act
- HB4021 - Creates a small business income tax deduction to allow for saving for larger capital expenditures
- HB4051 - Independent Contractor: Ride Share Employment
- HB4138 - Ending state competition for corporate subsidies
- HB4277 - Prevailing Wage: Public Works
- SB2272 - Exempts local governments from the parking tax
- SB2284 - Grant Accountability and Transparency Act clarification
- SB2305 - Model business enterprise program for procurement of muni contracts
- SB2307 - DCEO: Office of Inclusion
- SB2331 - Data Transparency and Privacy Act
- SB2481 - Tax: "selling price" no longer includes the value of traded-in motor vehicles
- SB2502 - Ending state competition for corporate subsidies
- SB2544 - Revenue sharing for financially distressed cities
- SB2547 - Includes fire protection services in the definition for TIF redevelopment project costs
- SB2560 - Complete Streets Act to improve safety, access, and mobility for users of the various modes of transportation
- SJR051 - Rural Development Task Force